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Nattovena is specifically formulated to address fibrin imbalances in the body.

Fibrin is a protein that plays a major role in blood clotting and scar formation, making it an essential component of the healing process and vital for maintaining our health and general well-being. However, fibrin overproduction and impaired fibrin degradation has been implicated in many of today’s most common circulatory health concerns.

What is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase is a fibrinolytic (fibrin-dissolving) enzyme originally discovered within a Japanese fermented soybean food called natto. The dish consists of soybeans fermented with a strain of Bacillus subtilis bacteria that in turn produce the enzyme, which upon its discovery was later named after the respective dish. The fermented dish, natto, has a slimy texture, sour taste and strong smell that is very unappealing to some. Despite its questionable taste, natto has been shown in numerous studies to have many health benefits. For its use in nutritional supplements, the nattokinase enzyme is extracted and purified in a laboratory setting.

Nattovena provides twice the potency of ordinary nattokinase products available and is naturally acid stable in the stomach since it is derived from a food source. This gives Nattovena the added benefit of not having to use an enteric coating or plastic to protect it from stomach acid. Nattovena’s formula contains the highest Fibrinolytic Unit (FU) activity among the major brands of nattokinase supplements, allowing it to hydrolyze 4,000 units of fibrin per capsule, thereby optimizing its cardiovascular benefits and promoting normal blood viscosity.

How Does Nattokinase Work?

Fibrin is naturally produced in the body by a protein called thrombin and is degraded by the body's own fibrinolytic enzyme, plasmin. Fibrin is typically produced during the recovery and healing processes caused by injury or other health concerns. Usually, these processes exist in a delicate balance; however, many conditions can impair fibrin degradation and lead to excessive levels of fibrin within the body. Nattokinase supplementation can tip the balance back in favor of fibrin removal using two different mechanisms.

Firstly, nattokinase is a fibrinolytic enzyme, which means that it can literally dissolve excessive fibrin produced during the healing process. In fact, studies show that nattokinase is actually four times (4x) more potent than the body’s own plasmin in terms of fibrinolytic activity1. Secondly, nattokinase blocks the activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), which boosts its fibrinolytic capabilities even more. High levels of PAI-1 are directly linked to impaired fibrin degradation and removal, since PAI-1 blocks the body’s natural production of plasmin. By impeding PAI-1, nattokinase promotes the creation of more plasmin from plasminogen (its building block), increasing the amount of natural fibrinolytic enzymes created within the body2.

Clinical Studies

Clinical studies on nattokinase have demonstrated that nattokinase reduces the concentration of fibrinogen within the blood plasma of healthy adults. Examination of blood taken from patients supplementing oral nattokinase revealed the presence of the enzyme intact that was functionally capable of degrading fibrinogen, the building block of fibrin. Thereby nattokinase has been directly shown in a clinical setting to work throughout the body (the circulatory system) as opposed to within the confines of the digestive tract.

Cardiovascular health is the area where nattokinase has probably proven to be the most beneficial. The significance of this effect cannot be understated, especially since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Although there are around 20 enzymes in the body which are responsible for creating blood clots, there is only one enzyme, plasmin, which is responsible for dissolving them. As we age though, the production of plasmin slows down and the body is unable to dissolve clots as easily. In addition to a decrease in plasmin production, we also experience an increase in fibrinogen levels. When the levels of fibrinogen increase, platelet aggregation also increases along with an increased risk in blood clots forming throughout the body3. Anyone with these types of cardiovascular risk factors should consider adding nattokinase to their diet. Research on this enzyme has demonstrated that it has an unmatched ability to control these natural imbalances as we age, providing much needed support to the cardiovascular system.