There are many misconceptions regarding progesterone. For years it was thought to be a simple sex hormone.

However, research has shown that progesterone is vital to men and women of all ages. For women, progesterone begins to be secreted right before ovulation, while a decrease in estrogen production occurs. The amounts of progesterone produced naturally in the body are measured in milligrams, much like many of today's vitamin and mineral supplements. On the other hand, estrogen is secreted in much smaller amounts, and therefore measured in micrograms, or 1,000th of a milligram. Due to this, it is easy to see how a miniscule increase in estrogen production can actually have a large effect on the body's overall hormone balance. Excessive estrogen, also known as estrogen dominance can lead to many unpleasant changes such as lowered energy, decreased libido and even weight gain. Many women have been lead to believe that estrogen is the answer to many common hormonal challenges, however this is not always the case.

Hormone balance is vital for those trying to achieve proper health. Women are becoming increasingly susceptible to estrogen dominance due to many common items that we use in our everyday lives. Estrogen is commonly found in forms of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies, but also in many chemicals used in the production of the foods we eat. There are over 50 chemicals that have been identified as hormonal disruptors, and research has shown that many of today's pesticides actually mimic estrogen in our bodies.

It is important to understand that hormone balance can be achieved in large part by increasing the amount of progesterone in one's body. Progesterone and estrogen are obviously not the only two hormones that are at work here, but progesterone plays a role that estrogen does not, and that is the fact that it is a precursor to many other hormones in the body. Progesterone is also calming, and counteracts many of the uncomfortable symptoms one would experience with excessive estrogen. It also has been shown to boost immune health and increase energy levels.